Educational information - Native American (and Melungeons)- past & present - Genealogy. Got Indian Blood??? Go to:

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Some of the American Indians ( as did some of the Melungeons ) built little houses over the graves of their loved ones. The houses were built of wood or stone; an early author wrote that she saw a cemetery about Newman's Ridge Tennessee in the 1890's and that it looked like a village.

selkirk spirit house

Selkirk Spirit House

Some of the American Indians ( as did some of the Melungeons ) built little houses over the graves of their loved ones. The houses were built of wood or stone; an early author wrote that she saw a cemetery about Newman's Ridge Tennessee in the 1890's and that it looked like a village.

The author went on to write that the little grave houses were well taken care of (as was the cemetery) and that the little houses were in better condition than the very houses the people lived in. This people she stayed were named Melungeon. The Melungeons were and yet are of "Indian" blood. See Melungeon forum for more information.


Here's a picture of one cemetery; think this one is in Canada an the one below from up around the Hudson...yet to find pics from ones in Appalacia.

Others believe the little houses were built to give their loved ones a comfortable home even in death. I tend to believe this to be closer to the truth and that they built the little grave houses for spiritual reasons and not worldly practicality.

Could this practice then go back to our Native Americans' ancient overseas homeland?

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